10 sneaky acts Kenyans use to mask their secret lives

10 sneaky acts Kenyans use to mask their secret lives
A shocked man looking at his phone. (Courtesy/iStock)

Most Kenyans could be crafty and use ingenious ways to camouflage their sinful ways.   

It may not be a surprise to learn that a lady has secret rendezvous with an instructor of a local gym she frequents; and the same case with a man in his local barber shop operated by a beautiful lady.

 Here are ten questionable activities that mark crafty Kenyans.

  1. Frequent “visits” to children's homes

She will be making regular posts on her social media pages requesting donations to enrich herself. Within a short time, you will see her posting a brand new Mercedes Benz on her wall.

  1. Regular gym attendance

When you see her frequenting a gym, it is most likely that she is up to something, or she is seeing the instructor. She is always sad when visiting the gym but as soon as she is out of it, her mood swings changes to happiness.

  1. Church at odd hours

She will go to church at 5 pm only to come back at 2 am. She will also claim to be going for a prayer and fasting session which may take days or weeks away from home. You will soon realise that the prayer sessions are something else when you find questionable chats on her WhatsApp between her and the choir boy.

  1. Frequent dry business trips

He is always on business trips which don’t yield any value for the family. Whenever he comes back from those business trips, he is always broke as there is someone he entertains along the way. The questionable thing about this man is that his phone will always be offline whenever he is on those business trips. As for communication, he will insist on WhatsApp or other forms of social media to avoid identity.

  1. Clubbing

He is a party animal and would move from one club to another in search of entertainment and luxury life. However, he has different intentions other than enjoyment, which could be either sampling different women or running other secret rendezvous.  The guy could be operating an illegal money laundering scheme or in charge of mchele business in the locality.

  1. Gambling

He will be spending most of the day in gambling joints or cyber cafes with a katululu. You will always wonder how the chap gets money to bet with or pay cyber cafes.  What you may not know is that the dude has secret business rendezvous including kupora watu.

  1. Fake social media posts

He will be posting stories of how well he is doing in life on social media every day. However, in the real sense, he is hoodwinking friends and colleagues as he could be living a miserable life.  In actuality, most of the posts are not true while some could be Photoshop.

  1. Frequenting female barber shops

When he is a regular customer at a certain barber shop which is several kilometres away from the locality, then he could be hitting on someone at the joint.  He can even go to the place where there is no hair on his head just to have time to see his favourite barber.  After the hair is done, he will ensure to tip her of course with a hidden agenda.

  1. Online worker

He could be passing off as an online worker whenever he crosses paths who anyone who matters.  However, in the real sense, he could be engaged in the criminal underworld including conning or even hacking.  If you see posts about a certain foundation offering free money after parting with “registration fee” he could probably be behind it.

  1. Second-hand goods dealer

He will be pretending to be a second-hand goods dealer in Koch but operates an underworld criminal network. This is the guy who supplies guns to crooks and sells items that have been stolen from elsewhere.  He is untouchable and well known among the security forces.


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